Today is my first day without drugs. I hurt. A lot. And it makes me angry because I want to be all burly and tough it out but I hate feeling so crappy. And I am sick of sleeping on my back.
GoWings leaves tomorrow at like 5 am for a week. I am not sure how I am going to handle not having any help. I am sure I will be fine but being alone 24/7 is something I am hardly looking forward to. Anyone want to have a sleepover??? I am naked all the time right now!
The up side of things (cause you know I hate being whiny):
* I have read some really good books
* I (cross my fingers cause it is not done yet) sold my car. And for what I was asking. Which means I can pay off the bank loan that is on it in my parents name and get one of the last tentacles of parental control off me.
* I am off work for 6 weeks. I am still debating on whether this goes in the good or the bad column.
* I have lots of time for chat with amazingly hot and lovely ladies like Glassheart, Necia, Thaddius, Sarahg and all the other sexy GGO lovelies. The only bad side to this is that they made me laugh. A lot. And it HURTS LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER to laugh. Seriously I had to turn the screen off for awhile last night I was hurting so bad. They are insane.
Now, go give some of my friends love. For various reasons, each one of them needs a big hug:

GoWings leaves tomorrow at like 5 am for a week. I am not sure how I am going to handle not having any help. I am sure I will be fine but being alone 24/7 is something I am hardly looking forward to. Anyone want to have a sleepover??? I am naked all the time right now!

The up side of things (cause you know I hate being whiny):
* I have read some really good books
* I (cross my fingers cause it is not done yet) sold my car. And for what I was asking. Which means I can pay off the bank loan that is on it in my parents name and get one of the last tentacles of parental control off me.
* I am off work for 6 weeks. I am still debating on whether this goes in the good or the bad column.
* I have lots of time for chat with amazingly hot and lovely ladies like Glassheart, Necia, Thaddius, Sarahg and all the other sexy GGO lovelies. The only bad side to this is that they made me laugh. A lot. And it HURTS LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER to laugh. Seriously I had to turn the screen off for awhile last night I was hurting so bad. They are insane.
Now, go give some of my friends love. For various reasons, each one of them needs a big hug:
I said you hated me because you didn't write me back in all your boredom.
I don't have many stretches for you, almost any movement pulls on your abs.
This one.
REALLY carefully.
With arms down.
Gentle abs strengthener. Draw your tailbone down towards the floor.
Again, draw your tailbone down, go easy, not too deeply.
Gentle hamstring.
A good start.........i would just maybe print the pages out and make a warm-up order that feels good.....have them in front of you at first. Let me know if you have questions. Be REALLY careful.....some may look passive, but can pull.
I'm got to blog later after I catch up with Lobster and TDS here. Hope your getting better there dear.