Enough with the self pity
I went and saw Working tonight at the local junior college. We have a summer rep theatre program here that is top notch. Anyhow, Working was written by Studs Terkel, and it is one of my all time favourite musicals. If you have never read or seen it, you should. Basically he travelled all over the US and listened to stories of life told by the American workers. It is just a fantastic collection of stories and the music is great! Who doesn't like musicals with songs about being a paperboy???
Tomorrow I am going to be productive and get some crap done for the wedding. More shopping with my mam. Joy! But I get to mooch more free food for lunch which is GREAT since I am beyond broke!
I can't wait for October when I am travelling to MO and getting to hang with KevDude82, PunkNiteMike and Timber_ YAY!
Every single day, I am reminded in one way or another why GoWings is my other half and I love it.
I went and saw Working tonight at the local junior college. We have a summer rep theatre program here that is top notch. Anyhow, Working was written by Studs Terkel, and it is one of my all time favourite musicals. If you have never read or seen it, you should. Basically he travelled all over the US and listened to stories of life told by the American workers. It is just a fantastic collection of stories and the music is great! Who doesn't like musicals with songs about being a paperboy???
Tomorrow I am going to be productive and get some crap done for the wedding. More shopping with my mam. Joy! But I get to mooch more free food for lunch which is GREAT since I am beyond broke!
I can't wait for October when I am travelling to MO and getting to hang with KevDude82, PunkNiteMike and Timber_ YAY!
Every single day, I am reminded in one way or another why GoWings is my other half and I love it.
She has had a mole for the last year or so, and over the last few days, it's tripled in size and is oozing blood.