Here are a few more pics of me and cess and 4G. We had a brilliant time!
So sexy
Aren't we pimps?
Drink much you say? Why yes, yes we did! And we had a dead feckin brill time doing it.
Tomorrow I am going to do a tasting at the caterer and the cake lady. I am looking forward to it! I am not so looking forward to spending the entire day with my parentals plus jas cause all together they can drive me a bit batty!
Last night I got to talk to my twin for a long time and he made me cry (in a good way!). I love him so and I miss him badly. I can not wait until I get to see him again.
That's all I got right now. I am still recovering from the other night. Nothing like an all night middle of the week drinking binge to make you feel EXTREMELY old. I don't know how I used to do that mutiple times a week at university?!?!!?
Soooooooo... what is new? Work sucks ass and not in a good way
I look like the devil in that picture!