Three years ago at this moment, the anesthesiologist was holding my hand and asking me what my greatest fear was. I told her I was living it. A moment later they wheeled me into surgery. A large incision was cut into my low back. The posterior boney coverings of 4 vertebrae were removed to create a window into my sacrum. Inside they found my Sacral 1 & 2 nerves had ballooned over the last 26 years into a massive Arachnoid cyst. I was born with what is called Tarlov's Disease. A leaky valve of spinal fluid had created a huge lesion INSIDE of my sacral nerve roots. The bones had remodeled themselves to accommodate it for a quarter century causing my Right SI joint to be severely misshapen. The cyst cannot be removed, only drained and accommodated for. Titanium was clipped on the nerve to prevent it from refilling with spinal fluid. They found I was also born with Spina Bifida and have an extra, misshapen vertebrae where Lumbar & Sacrum meet, causing an instability at that level. I was put on 6 months bed rest so the nerves could heal back together. What I am left with is a hole in my spine, exposed nerves, metal pinching in my butt and down my leg, scoliosis, ten bulging discs, numbness, burning, and pain pain pain. The unbearable trauma of what it is like to grow up so different and not know why. My mistrust of doctors, trainers, lovers - I don't fit whatever blue print you operate by. I never will. There are still so many things I am unable to do without severe pain. I could no longer fake that I was ok to keep working as a Kinesiologist. It wasn't fair to me or my clients. I've been focused on nothing but healing (and Prodigy cause she is part of that) for the last year. I've come a long way. You can help me by visiting my campaign. I still have medical bills, treatments to go through, and the looming possibility that further surgical stabilization may be required. Thank you for reading.. It took me so long to find the right words. But you gave me an outlet for my frustration and a reason to keep fighting. I love you XO PRODIGY
To read more about my condition or to donate please visit 💘