waiting my money to take my speaker and go to Paris !
Haha, no they certainly don't color themselves green! wink
Well, I guess school is a very twosided thing. Its really interesting at times, and really depressing at other.. Although University is very unpersonal, I mean, you seldom get any help or instructions for anything, you're just supposed to make you way on your own.
Woaowwwwwww too much italy one more time !
too long to explain, I was speaking with my friends this month in italy was crazy but it seems I stayed about too monthes or more ? Tout ca a l insu de mon plein gres ?
welcome smile
oui ca me fait penser qu'il fo que je me paye le dvd collector biggrin
blush kiss
Back on SG's
So much since I m away from the site ! Germany, Czech Rep, Italy... and in France Marseille, Paris, St etienne, Strasbourg, etc etc
So much meets, happiness and dangers.
Actualy in the peacfull place of my friend. About to buy a fucking bad swimming pool to act like stars in this dead place smile
Your the first one that said i have a really dutch face!! people always ask me if i was born here..nobody believes me when i say i'm dutch!! Thanks for the comment on my set!! smile
So now I have to wait 2 more weeks before going in Germany !
It start boring me !
I played tennis today for 15min and I was very tired smile
I'm a little bit boring these days but I don't think it's graveuh bicoz c'est toujours comme ca alors .....
bisous a tous !
Oh you play tennis ? Are you ok to play with un de c 4 ?
you just talk to yourself on your journal? you have to click people's names on their comments and you can comment on their journal. you know that right?? just checking. why did you block out your face?? talk to you soon.

I've just seen Bowling for Columbine tonight and it's fucking great !
It's certainly the more constructive report I've seen about the problem of arms in the USA ! And moreover it opens the debate about lots of other things ! Big respect !
Hello Daril ! You're a stupid moron ! NRA Forever ! I love my gun more than my wife because I can't kill anything with my wife ! This film is completly wrong and if people believe it and stop usig arms everyone will die ! Gun=Peace ! If you don't understand this you must be a moron !
Yeah, nearly finished to download Reason 2.5 ! I would be able to play again dub/hip-hop/breakcore/tekno/ambient/jungle experimental trax !
I started being bored by playing only acid house with Buzz (that's still the best music software !)
Reason is da best for mutli-style multi-tempo songs !
Kisses all of you fatherfuckers !
among other reasons,

the answer

23 has a great deal of sgnificance....ask eris
hi daril! you can download something about my band here
http://stage.vitaminic.it/the_uhu_s . there's also the site but it's under construction ( www.theuhus.tk ).
i didn't enjoy the big party in turin coz i was playing in Bolzano! and..no, i don't speak french...why?
kisses, Polli.
Hello everybody !
I write everybody even if I think that I will be the only one to read my journal ! It's also why I decided to write something here, I firstly think that it will be very unusefull but then think I can do it just for me, because I've never kept a journal !

So the only thing I can write for...
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Oh, hello Daril, I've read your jounral entry and found it very interesting ! I love you daril, please fuck me !
I've also read your journal entry and found it amusing. But I'm not going to ask you to fuck me.