over 2 months I m loked in a fucking small town of Normandie because of a technical problem. The only access to internet is at the city hall, erotic is forbidden (no sg ! grrr) and there s no sound, etc...
I bought a game boy and started to play Final Fantasy 1 & 2 but at the middle of the 2nd the unit is down. It s maybe ten times I buy a fucking GB and each time a different problem with it (stolen, lost, destroyed) !
I should be near the sea in Italy with my dog going to big raves and sunbathing and instead of that I got rain every fucking day!!
I received a link about the horribles hidden parts of porno, it s a comment of the movie "shocking truth". Didn t see it but the text already says a lot :
I never regrett to stopped watching porno when I read this, for the exclusivity of SG
I bought a game boy and started to play Final Fantasy 1 & 2 but at the middle of the 2nd the unit is down. It s maybe ten times I buy a fucking GB and each time a different problem with it (stolen, lost, destroyed) !
I should be near the sea in Italy with my dog going to big raves and sunbathing and instead of that I got rain every fucking day!!
I received a link about the horribles hidden parts of porno, it s a comment of the movie "shocking truth". Didn t see it but the text already says a lot :
I never regrett to stopped watching porno when I read this, for the exclusivity of SG

I know this technic, you re speaking about the problems of these girls to try to get some. You re really horrible and disgusting, when I think I said that I love you in 2003... and when I know I have to live with you for all our life