Wow, great day yesterday !
I had to move to a party, I m waiting for a friend instead of moving straight away. This asshole decide to go somewhere else and give me a very approximative indication of the place. There some people tell me about the place but I m not sure they speak about the same party. Arrived to the last city in...
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Are you trying to show you are a gangster by speaking about the police and your illegal actions... it s so pathetic, make a life da "real" for real you need it !
Found this wonderfull video on youtube:

Still waiting my Boss DR-202 Beatbox to move from this fuckin Wurzburg to Italy and make the places movin
i'm so glad that you liked the pearls... thank you for the note...
Some people would try anything to show "kailleras" on a better day, this video is bullshit and you are a looser !
Yo, My great sister paid again with her credit card for my SG account.
I was also asking her to make me an accoun of 5dollars t to play poker online but no way. I noticed her most sisters would be more on to open a poker account than an erotic account to thier brothers but she said she likes me better on SG... me...
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You re so lucky to have a sister like her, and she s right to not allow you to play money games... you are too talentuous and you will be rich too fast, and money change people
ah, ben enfin les tofs ! Juste a temps paske mon abonnement d un an va s arretter, va falloir que je redemande a ma soeur de me payer un an, hehe !
Moi je sus a Berlin ca pete ! Pur teuf de www.cyberrise.de ici a Berlin le soleil commence a se lever toooouuut doucement vers 2-3h du mat. 'Du coup quasiment toute le...
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Daril are you not ashamed to copy/paste personnal messages you send to Umiko on your journal withtout any changes ??????
I stop reading your bullshit you are unrespectfull
I m actualy in Germany, Italy was too hot for my dog and my records.
Met the worst ploiceman ever on the road. They told me they will come with drug dogs so I should better say if I had drugs. As I only had 1gr of marijuana, I showed it, and even when I open the place where it was, the cop couldnt see...
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thanks for the council!! I have thought also... kiss
So I found again a car, a Renault 19. Perfect condition for only 350eur !!!
On the road again !
Ouai ca dpend ce que tu appelles conditions parfaite, + de 200.000 km moi je prend plus !!!! biggrin lol...
Umiko du moment que je peux rouler 2 ou 3 mois avec je m en contente, les voitures qui durent longtemps il faut en prendre soin c est chiant !
My car have been burnt by bastards !
It s miracle the firemen arrived on time to stop the fire before it arrived to my records, tunrtable, groovebox, speaker, batteries, etc... more than 1000eur of music materials, some recordsbeing very important for me, presents, etc...
Now I will buy a new one certainly, but it s a big lost of money and time !
I told you your car will not stay a long time. Anyway the good times you had with the kids there, you should be fascist away from these places and everything would be better for you. Possession is more important than human contacts and child smiles !
Yeah, I got a car now ! No more hitchhiking or hiding in train's toilets, and I will be able to have a new dog and go to places where they're not allowed !
I don t know why I would bet this car will not pass a long time, like everything you got !
Worth Trasher Adventures

The 15 dec is arriving and it will be my 25th birthday, as germany is really hitting my nerves, I
decide to move to Czech, with a stop in Bayreuth where the begg income is great...

I m making good money in bayreuth first evening, but next day it starts good but a fuckin "stadwerk" bug me that I shouldn t begg...
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eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek
still not in germany.
Watched: La vita e bella of Roberto Begnini ! I think about taking samples for a song, so good movie !
Was in st-etienne, bourg-en-bresse and clermond-ferand. Lost of time but when your life is only holydays is it so bad ?!?
I just realize I forget my trip of commenting my own journal like "back in the years" ! So ... I m starting back
waiting my money to take my speaker and go to Paris !
Haha, no they certainly don't color themselves green! wink
Well, I guess school is a very twosided thing. Its really interesting at times, and really depressing at other.. Although University is very unpersonal, I mean, you seldom get any help or instructions for anything, you're just supposed to make you way on your own.
Woaowwwwwww too much italy one more time !
too long to explain, I was speaking with my friends this month in italy was crazy but it seems I stayed about too monthes or more ? Tout ca a l insu de mon plein gres ?
welcome smile
oui ca me fait penser qu'il fo que je me paye le dvd collector biggrin
blush kiss