Husband's best friend's fiance. One more wedding I won't be invited to.

I just don't enjoy the fake fucking platitudes that dominate FB. I feel like there is no light without the dark. I don't mean for my pain to hurt anyone else but some of us don't have awesome families.
Some of us have mothers who put their children in horrible situations over and over again, with abusive people. Some of us have fathers who died when we were young. Some of us have fuckup drug addicts throughout our family tree, some who are M.I.A., some dead of AIDS or overdoses, some in jail, etc...
So before you give someone shit about their complete lack of a sunny disposition, think about where they might be coming from. Because, honestly, when you pretend to be nice and then do an about face when someone shows you their unpolished side, you prove how fake and shallow you really are.
And I think that you dodged a bullet here.
I hope all is well.