can someone explain to me why when the street is a complete sheet of ice does the snow plow just drive on by and NOT plow the fucking street? it's beyond me, i know.
well after shoveling my car out a little bit more, i went to the bank and then got some dinner. when i returned i ended up getting a call from my friend's boyfriend. now mind you, she claims this boy is just a friend and nothing more, but i think there is something else going on but he calls me every other day, what the hell is going on here? anyways i humored him for a while but he just kept jabbering on about god knows what.
i wish it was the weekend already, i think i'm going give evan a call and maybe him and i can go strip bar hopping. hopefully the two girls i really like will be dancing. i have to keep the creepy charles manson look-a-like away from them.
well keep warm everyone, unless you are lucky and live somewhere where there isn't snow, then poo on you! send me some blankets.
luvins' -taime xoxo
well after shoveling my car out a little bit more, i went to the bank and then got some dinner. when i returned i ended up getting a call from my friend's boyfriend. now mind you, she claims this boy is just a friend and nothing more, but i think there is something else going on but he calls me every other day, what the hell is going on here? anyways i humored him for a while but he just kept jabbering on about god knows what.
i wish it was the weekend already, i think i'm going give evan a call and maybe him and i can go strip bar hopping. hopefully the two girls i really like will be dancing. i have to keep the creepy charles manson look-a-like away from them.
well keep warm everyone, unless you are lucky and live somewhere where there isn't snow, then poo on you! send me some blankets.
Pretty new profile pic! Hope you're keeping warm!
i LOVE your eyes ! *sigh* so mezmorizing