So I walked with some 15,000 other people yesterday, here in lovely Portland, OR. We marched for peace and to protest the actions of our government.
Here's some pics I took.
Yesterday morning I was getting the mail and on the front cover of the Economist was a picture of 4 Aces with PM Blair of the UK, PM Howard of Australia, Pres. Bush, and PM Aznar as the aces. Aznar's had a red mark over it and the caption read;: "one down, three to go"
I mean, the Economist isn't a liberal rag either.
Here's some pics I took.
Yesterday morning I was getting the mail and on the front cover of the Economist was a picture of 4 Aces with PM Blair of the UK, PM Howard of Australia, Pres. Bush, and PM Aznar as the aces. Aznar's had a red mark over it and the caption read;: "one down, three to go"
I mean, the Economist isn't a liberal rag either.
i don't care much for his policies either

yay. you rule. it makes me feel good to know that people are taking a stand.