Alrighty...let's see.

Conquered a majority of my french homework. Feels good to tear a big chunk of that out of the equation. Still gotta come up with a good solid concept for my paper. Decided to write about Dante's Inferno, and I'm thinking about dealing mainly with the Simonaics (lvl 8 of hell) but I haven't really written anything down yet.

Didn't do great on...
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Thank you so much for you love on "Coming Clean", it means a lotsmile
Seriously, you need to subtitle your blogs for me. biggrin

My bro is doing better today. I am gonna try to talk to him this weekend.

Keep on studying!
Ok, let's see.

I've got my french homework I need to finish by or on Sunday. Got a 5-7 page paper to write for my popular religion class as well as needing to get some powerpoint pics for a presentation to go with said paper. Paper is due Tuesday.

Got a french test Monday that I need to study for. Man...how did all this hit...
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That is for sure. Best of luck with the studies!
Well today was pretty easy. Had French in the morning as always. Class went by pretty quickly. Learned a LOT of verbs today...gonna be tough to remember it all.

After class and a brief stop at the house it was off to work. The snow here had us closed since Thursday, so I haven't been to work since last Monday. heh.

It was dead tonight....
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I love to get paid to stand around... at least you were able to get back to work.

I really need to get some new stuff posted. I have a ton that I have written in blogs from long ago. I am gonna throw those up in the group just to see if there is any feedback.

(left another comment on your last blog)

K- so what does this one say? I think the only word I know is mon- that is my right?
Yea, that sounds like a pretty icky trip to CA.

I have yet to visit New Orleans. It is on my list.

Thanks for the translation. I'm gettin' some edumacation on your blog.
Alright, here's that poem I wrote the other day. Enjoy:

I burn for you,
all but entirely,
so much so that my vision
narrows to only encompass your form,
and my mind's only logic
exists within your aspect.

That my blood boils to
know your every curve
That these hands ache,
for want to know your skin.

No drink can quench this longing,
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but if you translate it into czech then you could not see if its what you want to say with that poem frown
Aww, thank you. That is a good way to look at things. I'll be moving closer to Shreveport, LA really but still in TX. Life there is so much more relaxed. I don't want to move there and have the same stresses that I do here. It would defeat my purpose for moving there in the first place. smile

Cali is great- weather rocks and the scenery is breathtaking (on a smog-free day of course biggrin ). I love the ocean and being able to go to it whenever I need to clear my head is my favorite part of being here. You gotta come visit sometime!
So for the past two days I haven't had to go to work because of the increasing weather conditions. Got a lot of ice and snow here recently, so our already slow month will decidely become a dead one this week at the store. It's kinda nice and sucks at the same time.

Guess I'll get to some reading.

Oh, I'll try to post that...
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Reading all that about the hotel was crazy. I definitely have felt changes in the energy around me before and have no doubt that if I were there with my roomie, I'd have had chills and felt something out of the ordinary. I probably would have passed out if I'd seen her (the ghost). Apparently she dances in the parking lot frequently.

Hope the weather clears up soon.

I read the post from the other day. Your prof sounds like a piece of work.

Hope you are well and thanks for the kindness.
Hello dear, thank you so much for your wonderful comment under my newest MR set golden sun its really nice of you! And it means a lot for me!

we want to know that poem! smile

Ok...what's new....

Had two quizzes today. One in French (think I did alright in) and one in American Political Thought (I believe I Aced that one, we'll have to wait and see)

After class I tried picking my professor's brain about some stuff in class. Mainly how he never mentioned Locke even though his definition of liberalism had Locke all over it, and how Paine...
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Thanks for your love on my new set in MR! <3
Ok, a quick review over the weekend.

My weekends really don't start till Sunday (work all day Saturday.) Went over a friend's house to watch the football games (very unusual for me, I don't pay attention much to sports)

Gotta say that Vikings/Saints game was exciting. I'm glad the Saints get the chance to try for the Superbowl finally. I absolutely love the city of...
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Yea, I lived in a sorority house with 49 other women and that was all frickin' drama. Girls definitely try to one up each other and show whose ball's are biggest- yes we do that too.

I have been writing a little- trying to work through all the drama in my life. Funny, all the drama I have is because of others and not related to something I have actually done myself.

So, I don't read or speak French, what does the last line of your blog say? I imagine it sounds crazy sexy when you say it aloud.
Who needs French? Hmm. Try German.

And the corset is there for underneath my clothes, no one sees it. But thank you =]

I just found out that one of my professors is a pretty big published author. The guy has some big name schools behind him...Brown, Cambridge, Havard.

I'm still wondering why he's teaching at OSU.

Think I might have to get his book, especially since he writes quite a bit about one of my ancestors...
I had that happen to me at school. I took an American Indian Lit class and discovered the same about the prof. It was very cool but also very intimidating.

That is pretty cool- one your ancestors. I'm sure its must be interesting to read about him/her from different authors.
Yea, it was a great release. You been writing lately?
I've been trudging through "Religion and Devotion in Europe c. 1215- c. 1515" by Swanson, because it's part of my assigned reading for my popular religion class. Up around pg 35 it gets into the devotion to the saints and how it evolved from a need for intercessors for those trying to attain God's acceptance into the Church triumphant. (church is broken down into three...
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Thanks for crossing your fingers. I hope it works out.

That is an interesting post. I grew up Baptist and practiced Wicca (for a few years) and then Christianity most recently. I am still struggling with believing everything that Christianity is about. Overall I am just trying to be a good person and keeping my karma as clean as possible.

Hope all is well with you.

I used to love Saturdays when I was a kid. Most kids did. Getting up super early, heading downstairs before anyone else is awake. Loading up on some sugary cereal and parking my ass in front of the tv for mindless cartoons. (Voltron, Thundercats, GI Joe, etc.)

Now Saturdays are different. They are more just another day of the week for me. Wake up...
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Saturdays are now a matter of hangovers and getting ready for another night of debauchery. lol
I remember those days... Life was so simple.