Finally got a new tattoo. Decided on a woodcutting from La Grande Danse Macabre, which I gave a presentation on in one of my classes this spring. This particular piece is Der Ritter, which is german for "The Knight". It's 16th century, and was created by Arnaud Nicolai.
The Dance of Death art form was first seen in France, around 1480, but gained widespread popularity and blossomed through europe. Nicolai's works are a direct evolution of another German artist, Holbein. The artform itself is supposed to show by example that everyone is equal in death's eyes, and that no one can escape their end. It's a memento mori, or a reminder of death. For the christian's of the time period, it was a way to show that life is fleeting, and that one should be quick to adopt a christian lifestyle to be saved.
For myself, I hold strongly to the ideal of wanting to get as much out of life as I can. Also, being a history major, I like the connection the artwork brings me to the past. A badge of honor, in a way.

I can digg it.