I used to love Saturdays when I was a kid. Most kids did. Getting up super early, heading downstairs before anyone else is awake. Loading up on some sugary cereal and parking my ass in front of the tv for mindless cartoons. (Voltron, Thundercats, GI Joe, etc.)
Now Saturdays are different. They are more just another day of the week for me. Wake up earlier then I want to, get ready and off to work for most of the day. This whole grown-up thing sucks.
I want my Saturdays back...
I used to love Saturdays when I was a kid. Most kids did. Getting up super early, heading downstairs before anyone else is awake. Loading up on some sugary cereal and parking my ass in front of the tv for mindless cartoons. (Voltron, Thundercats, GI Joe, etc.)
Now Saturdays are different. They are more just another day of the week for me. Wake up earlier then I want to, get ready and off to work for most of the day. This whole grown-up thing sucks.
I want my Saturdays back...
Saturdays are now a matter of hangovers and getting ready for another night of debauchery. lol
I remember those days... Life was so simple.