sorry i haven't been on sg i mainly been on facebook doing other random things but finally i got on and decided to give you my major update, will my birthday is on Saturday and will i can't wait for the day who know's i might sleep in or finally get taken out somewhere but bottom line i am of age and plan to do bad things worse case i'll be drinking all night on my birthday to just celebrate my arrival and death hahahah lets hope i don't get to much to the point i won't remember after all i need the fun lol.

all though i never posted pic's here was the first that i loved the most.

my little Man on my side still need's his finish on his legs<3

when the time come's i'll savor every wish and every kiss or gift on that day even if i don't i should expect alot of ass smacking on that day muah!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo to all you out there

my little Man on my side still need's his finish on his legs<3

when the time come's i'll savor every wish and every kiss or gift on that day even if i don't i should expect alot of ass smacking on that day muah!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo to all you out there

Hey lady
