Wouldn't mind rocking your world for a bit of some epic fun!!!!

A girl like her only travels only to the desert she never goes any other
place but there, she isn't wined and she isn't dined she doesn't have a fancy car
or a big fancy house or the perfect cell phone or thousands of friends. she's gifted and is the spirited away. she learns to never take advantage of people she even try's to get to know Lots of other people
but she is the earths gift and takes respect.

even dead tree's deserve to be in pictures
it defines art.

as much art as we share we never give up on eachother

as much as i hear people talk about how the world sucks or its going to
hell i still see earths gifts sky's,clouds,waters,starlight,and the Elements together!

Ill stick to my roots just all know ill be there for anyone! even if they don't want

all though i do have two worlds i am a bit to wild i do like being a boy
as well lol

if you seen this photo that's my ass alright!!!!!!

A girl like her only travels only to the desert she never goes any other
place but there, she isn't wined and she isn't dined she doesn't have a fancy car
or a big fancy house or the perfect cell phone or thousands of friends. she's gifted and is the spirited away. she learns to never take advantage of people she even try's to get to know Lots of other people
but she is the earths gift and takes respect.

even dead tree's deserve to be in pictures
it defines art.

as much art as we share we never give up on eachother

as much as i hear people talk about how the world sucks or its going to
hell i still see earths gifts sky's,clouds,waters,starlight,and the Elements together!

Ill stick to my roots just all know ill be there for anyone! even if they don't want

all though i do have two worlds i am a bit to wild i do like being a boy
as well lol

if you seen this photo that's my ass alright!!!!!!

You are beautiful!