So I just got back, well an hour and a half ago. I ache from all the hiking, but it was a blast! Nothing like going to the wilderness, cooking raw meat over a wood fire, scaring off bears nightly that would come within several feet of you and your food and sleeping on the ground in a tent to reconfirm your masculinity.

It was...
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I just bought a new Mercedes.

C230 Kompressor Sport Sedan. Pewter & Charcoal Leather. All the goodies.

Late Wednesday night I leave for camping in Yosemite. That should be fun. My new girl isn't going, I don't want any bears trying to rip her doors off or something. I kept my old car so I can take it on the long trips.

so are you coming out tonight or what? I really hope so, lots of cool people and it would be nice to see you.

~ the angel* wink
Let's see, been working, not much else. Lost $150 in Vegas, not a big deal though, went with $200 to loose.

I'm home watching stuff i've had recorded waiting for me on Tivo. Oh and drinking Skyy & Kool-Aid.

Been a pretty okay week. Got a lot of business coming in, so thats good. Otherwise not much happening... yep...

So it has been a little time..

are you going to the show tomorrow night?
no! go see my friend's movie, the Manchurian Candidate.

So do not support M. Night, my friend is in a law suit right now because M. Night tried to steal his script and movie rights.... Paramount plays favorites too much.

too bad, I am going to look hot. I will send you pics, maybe!

I had like one of the bestest dates I've ever had. Thank you angel0diablo, you are awesome! So when can we have date #3??

So I'm taking off for Vegas for the hell of it in a few hours. Come back really early Sunday morning. Hopefully I'll win some money while I'm there.

Have a good weekend everyone!

-Kevin love
win big duders.
Its a sad day...

Lost a $500,000 job to some crappy vendor in Georgia.

This puts a bummer on my whole day...

I see you tonight so that cannot be that bad.

oh and I will see you around 8 pm, I will call your cell when I get off the freeway.

I am looking forward to seeing you.
~the angel* biggrin
About to go to bed, been an interesting day. Over the past two months I saw this one girl like three times, never really clicked that much from my side, but she seemed to really like me. Didn't talk to her this weekend cause I got side tracked with a new more positive interest. But anyways she IM'd me this morning to say:

"well, I...
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I wonder what kind of "history" that was.
you know what? I think we all do crazy things... I definately do all the time... and the world will never understand especially if people were able to be fully informed; like Kid Rock said, "Man, you don't even know the half of it."

I give them three years, maybe three years and two months.
Maximum. Or she chickens out in the first three months. Either way.

$10 bucks says I am right.
~the angel* biggrin
So last night I went to see Berlin & Dramarama, it was pretty darn cool. Met a bunch of awesome people. Then to continue the partying in the 909 (or I guess now its 951?), went to Dave & Busters. Not that big into the video games, but its a cool place nonetheless.

Met this really hot girl. She is a ton of fun and...
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I had a whole lot of fun as well.

I am sorry if I was odd here and there... the stresses in my life make it really hard to let go, but damn I wanted to.

I had such a great time letting you let me chat away while you listened intently and then, hours later, remembering details. It feels refreshing to be appreciated by someone I consider extremely attractive.

there, that is all you get.

I only wish I could have taken the atvantage of kissing you at the end of the night. makes want to see you again soon.

you can cook me dinner so you can tell me all about yourself - you owe me, you got to talk with a bunch of close friends that have known and loved me through drunken and drugged up goggles and real life. you met some of my favorite people this weekend, so welcome.

Oh, and I was glad to see your post, so this one is for you.
~the angel* wink

what up, bitch master k in the hizz-ouse. ARRR!!!
It is alittle premature... but it was captivating to me... check it out.

Sagittarius with Taurus

When you are with Taurus, there is emphasis on basic issues, health and work. Ideals are high and methods of serving have the needs of others are stressed. With Taurus, you have a desire to produce beauty, to create an atmosphere that spells out harmony. Together, the signs are neutral, but there is a basic attraction. For the long haul, Taurus and Sagittarius make a good combination. You, Sagittarius, are fiery and idealistic; Taurus is earthy, Practical and determined. This balances. The right amount of each could provide a winning mixture.

For you, Taurus could represent a stepping-stone, a pause, and breather. You may lean on Taurus; you may expect and demand the maximum degree of dependability from Taurus. You may, in fact, ask too much of Taurus.

Taurus performs services; helps make your life more comfortable. Taurus is a fixed sign and your are the opposite, being changeable and inconstant. Because of this, you could create a situation where you take Taurus for granted. Taurus will take only so much of this- and, finally have enough.

With Taurus, you can create a product or service that has universal appeal. This is no small matter. It means the relationship can be valuable- in service to others and in profit to you.

To be with Taurus, you may have to burn the bridges of you past. This isn't always easy for you. In this case it may be worth it, however. Taurus will help you to take care of your-self. Taurus will aid in keeping you on an even keel.

Taurus will help you to make ideas work and will help you to utilize assets in a practical manner. It could be rewarding relationship, especially over the long haul, in connection with future projects.

Funny. Interesting. I wonder how much would be true?
We will see I guess. ~ Sorry, things are alittle slow this morning at work so I am entertaining myself with a cable-based internet connection - and loving it. wink

[Edited on Jul 19, 2004 3:20PM]
* Have you ever...(put an X next to the things that apply to you)
(X) Been drunk.
(X) Smoked pot.
(X) Kissed a member of the opposite sex.
(X) Rode in a taxi.
(X) Been dumped.
(X)Been in a fistfight.
(X)Been arrested.
(X) Made out with a stranger
( )Celebrated New Years in Times Square.
(X) Went on a blind date.
(X) Lied to...
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If you had one hour to decide (I know suspend disbelief for a moment), where in the world would you fly to and why?
You stole my journal! - fuckhead. smile wink
I guess now I have to make that phone call instead of leaving messages here.

I assume by your entry you are not coming down to the bar on the beach to have a beer with me at sunset. you will be missed (AT THE WATERFRONT in Santa Monica).

I will call you over the weekend... do you like BERLIN?
~the angel* kiss
So I woke up with a massive cold sore on my lip. frown I wanted to be a hermit today but then my buddies car broke down and i had to go rescue him. Had to drive for our hours in traffic, it sucked.

So yeah life is the same, still no good prospects. Only one on the horizon, and that timing ended up being not...
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I waited for your phone call last night to know if we were meeting up. Just do me a favor? Let us set a date and time....

I will be down AT THE WATERFRONT on friday evening, most likely around 6-6:30pm for a few drinks and perhaps some pool. I would like to see you down there, okay?

Really, I would like to finally meet you, you sound so cute on the phone!

~the angel* biggrin