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Monday Dec 06, 2004
I think i'm over it. all of it. -kevin -
Thursday Nov 25, 2004
So I'm 25 now. To celebrate went to my first indie rock event at Z… -
Saturday Nov 20, 2004
3 Days... At least i don't look 25... -kevin -
Thursday Nov 18, 2004
My bday party is tomorrow. Let me know if you want to come. AIM: c… -
Tuesday Nov 16, 2004
seven days till i'm 25... i feel old. -kevin -
Friday Nov 12, 2004
eleven days till i'm 25... i feel old. -kevin -
Tuesday Nov 02, 2004
Halloween has come and gone. Here's a recap of my weekend. Friday:… -
Tuesday Oct 26, 2004
[Updated 10/26/04] One month till I'm 25. Crazy. I don't feel like… -
Saturday Oct 23, 2004
One month till I'm 25. Crazy. I don't feel like I'm that old, but I d… -
Saturday Oct 16, 2004
Long crazy week. Lacking lots of sleep. Got back Sunday from Vegas. T…
thank you for caring. You rock. What is going on in your neck of the woods? I am going to email you my new number to reach me at, set up a mailbox on my stepdad's phone.
hit me up, would love to do sake and sushi again or something... I swore to cook for you....
~ the angel*