I'm hungover. Went to Howl at the Moon at Citywalk for a friend's bday, and I got shitfaced. I was such a doutsche bag, I feel so ashamed of myself. I'm normally lowkey and fun when I'm drunk, but last night I was like a different person.
Oh and I apparently gave my house key to someone and locked myself out today when I went for food, had no where to go, so I slept in my car.
Oh and I apparently gave my house key to someone and locked myself out today when I went for food, had no where to go, so I slept in my car.

I got shitfaced there too! Pictures to prove it, I barfed in my older sister's car and I'm pretty hardcore, so this surprised her & me....That place man, those nummy jello syringes!? GIVE ME MORE!! we should go sometime, that'd be sick!