I am not to be possessed. I have spent the majority of my life in relationships with people I have been so attached to that I have completely lost who I am. I have been made to fear talking to ppl just so I didnt get ppl jealous. I have been lied to so I didnt get jealous....(which, ironically caused the jealousy)
I want no parts of it. I want no one to say "she is MINE". ..until I do. And even then... if it is said it had better be out of loving respect not possession. ...to scare someone else off. or intimidate.
I may be submissive in nature. I may WANT to "belong" to someone. But not like that. Not until I meet someone who knows the meaning of respect. When I belong to someone it will be because I have the FREEDOM to choose to. Not because someone intimidated others to stay away. or intimidated me not to interact with others.
complete subject change:
Fucking alcoholics suck. My dad fucking ruined thanksgiving cuz he was too wasted to show up. and then showed up the next fucking day to get more money out of my gmom. (lying and saying he was just too sick with the shakes from NOT drinking to make it...when he told ME it was cuz he was too hammered....lies on top of lies on top of lies, always anymore)
I am at the point w my fathers alcoholism that I no longer want to speak to him. But how do I protect my grandmother from his abuse and using her to enable his alcoholism?? She insists on giving in to him. Its horrible. I cant make her understand,.
He talks shit about her to me...to others...then takes money from her when he needs it. Its disgusting.
There isnt one single healthy person in my family. Not fucking one.
I want no parts of it. I want no one to say "she is MINE". ..until I do. And even then... if it is said it had better be out of loving respect not possession. ...to scare someone else off. or intimidate.
I may be submissive in nature. I may WANT to "belong" to someone. But not like that. Not until I meet someone who knows the meaning of respect. When I belong to someone it will be because I have the FREEDOM to choose to. Not because someone intimidated others to stay away. or intimidated me not to interact with others.
complete subject change:
Fucking alcoholics suck. My dad fucking ruined thanksgiving cuz he was too wasted to show up. and then showed up the next fucking day to get more money out of my gmom. (lying and saying he was just too sick with the shakes from NOT drinking to make it...when he told ME it was cuz he was too hammered....lies on top of lies on top of lies, always anymore)

I am at the point w my fathers alcoholism that I no longer want to speak to him. But how do I protect my grandmother from his abuse and using her to enable his alcoholism?? She insists on giving in to him. Its horrible. I cant make her understand,.
He talks shit about her to me...to others...then takes money from her when he needs it. Its disgusting.
There isnt one single healthy person in my family. Not fucking one.

Co Dependent No More, a good book about codependcy in relationships and creating boundaries that work.