I was alone in the forest with my camera taking photos of the @nebula. I took a break to eat, pulled out @marmalade from my lunch box. It might have been a funny batch cuz i was getting @trippy. I thought I heard a @crazycat but the purple @miao must have been in my head.
I thought I needed to sit on @lilstone I saw because I must be ducked up. Maybe I’m in the @antiverse or maybe I’m @dream ing
How can I awake from this @sleep or should I ?!??!?!
A @birdie flew by sippin on @booba and I asked for directions to the shop and if they had good @cookie. The bird asked if I was hungry, and I said yes. The bird said I don’t have @empathy for humans and laughed a @cursed at me
I was missing the @cheshire_ cat and thought aren’t dreams @euforia. I must be in a @helldaze, can this @jadestone save me from @gloom and doom?
and just then a @lemon fell on my head and a @lass was pushing me. As I awoke I heard her say, my photo of the @lunaraise wasn’t very @rare She said I should take a photo of a nebula instead . So I left the photo contest to head out to nowhere where the @skyy is clear and the nebulae @shine bright
@penny @adam_bovary