If it’s horrible blame @adam_bovary 💚🖤💙💜❤️🤍😂🤣 and I’m a bit out of practice for writing …….
I went to the photography store. It took @courage but I decided to go as myself. The sales specialist asked me what I needed. I told them I’m looking for some @gadget s and @gyidgette s for my cameras.
They inquired about the photography I like. I told them I’m into @madnessphotography . They asked me what that was. I told them I’m @crazycat and said what would I need to take extreme photos, for example a @blizzard . They said @yuno its most important to not temperature shock your camera, and you would have to move to find crazy weather like that.
So I said I’d like to @psylunar photography. They said people take amazing photos of the moon with just about anything. I replied, “Well what kinda @kitsu sell”. They almost sold me on an a9, but I decided to save money. @fujiko film caught my eye @iso 800.
As I left I thought, I should have told them about @knives throwing contest I volunteered to photograph. In my car @raposa was playing on the radio. Unfortunately during the event @tastyzombie s attacked. I got @bitten but I had @amoxi @chillism . I was able to save everyone with the pills and we overcame the zombies @squee ing with joy at our victory!