All of them would be amazing valentines! Even something simile like coffee/tea with one would be an honor.
To actually pick one is tough, I keep going back and forth between picking one or listing favorites.
My top choice is @niffler because there are so many amazing things we could in one day. I’d love to walk around a scenic city and take photos of each other individually and together with a tripod and a timer. I’d use a Minolta 35mm camera and have someone develop it. Then at a later date we could rent a darkroom and develop them together!
I’d also love to cosplay together with her, right now I’m obsessed with Carole and Tuesday so that would be my top choice but there are so many amazing options. It also be fun to make a fan fic and something crazy like Mara Jade from Star Wars and Lenore from Castlevania be a couple.
And slow it down being chill with movies or tv shows and then be competitive at Mario kart and mortal kombat. Pretty sure she’d wipe the floor with me in mortal komvat but I should be able to get some wins in Mario kart.
I’m going to list some others I’d love to have as a valentines too.
@vullpe is one hell of amazing woman and I would just die to skate with her all day. We’d pick a scenic route for skating, cuddle on park benches, spoil ourselves with fun food.
@meryl because she just gives off these fun vibes. I can’t imagine anything being boring or bad with her around!
@psylunar and @marmalade together because I want to see what these women can create together. We could have some spooky horror Valentine’s Day fun
@discordia because she is flawless model. I’d be happy to just shake her hand! She is so creative and gives these naturally powerful positive vibes
@nebula and @brujaja to play a fun game of DnD
@nebula & @vullpe for outdoor fun together and skating
A valentines with any SGH or SG would be such an amazing honor
@missy @penny