Lets see lets see..... I haven't really been one for updating my journal lately. Life has kept me BUSY
1. I've been workin like a fool. Its such a double edged sword. In the midst of all the craziness and endless hours all I can think about is what it will be like when I'm finished and finally have time for myself. But when I finally get that time I can only stand to be idle for a day or two before I feel as thought I must throw myself back into work with all my might.
2. Had a wonderful birthday. Thanks again for the birthday wishes. It was low key just like I wanted it. A nice dinner with close friends but not much hollaballoo. No waiters singing happy birthday. Thank Goodness.
3. I finally had a day off and watched all the shows that had been recording on tivo. Yes it took an entire day to get through it all. But it was glorious. I stayed on the couch with my snuggly quilt and drank coffee in my PJ's. It made me happy.
4. I've started working on a new tattoo. Tres exciting. Its going to be the first one that I have designed. I'm very excited. I'll put up some photos once its finished.
Ok thats all the time I have at the moment. I'll udate ya more later.
1. I've been workin like a fool. Its such a double edged sword. In the midst of all the craziness and endless hours all I can think about is what it will be like when I'm finished and finally have time for myself. But when I finally get that time I can only stand to be idle for a day or two before I feel as thought I must throw myself back into work with all my might.
2. Had a wonderful birthday. Thanks again for the birthday wishes. It was low key just like I wanted it. A nice dinner with close friends but not much hollaballoo. No waiters singing happy birthday. Thank Goodness.
3. I finally had a day off and watched all the shows that had been recording on tivo. Yes it took an entire day to get through it all. But it was glorious. I stayed on the couch with my snuggly quilt and drank coffee in my PJ's. It made me happy.
4. I've started working on a new tattoo. Tres exciting. Its going to be the first one that I have designed. I'm very excited. I'll put up some photos once its finished.
Ok thats all the time I have at the moment. I'll udate ya more later.

hows DC treating ya???
and I have a tiny bit of gelato still