Another week, still no job. It might help if I spiffied up my resume and applied for jobs . . . so I'm only half-heartedly complaining about the lack of job.
I'm sorry for my absence over the past few days - I think maybe one or two of you got used to my daily blogs (not that there's much content here!) or are wondering where my message responses are. I was spending way too much time on the computer and not getting anything accomplished so I needed a little break to kind of. . . remind myself to cut back. When I get so dependent upon the Internet, I get depressed and that's no good.
Yeah, I've been depressed over the past couple weeks and it's steadily getting worse. My dear sweet hubby asked if he could do anything to help and the only thing I could tell him was to go back in time to before March. Not like he would have been able to do anything about what happened March 1st, anyway.
SG has been a highlight in this depression, even with the rejection and the inability for certain people to give constructive criticism. (Keyword being, of course, CONSTRUCTIVE.) I'll leave it at that. The words didn't hurt, it's just I wish people would really step back to READ what they're posting before they use certain phrases that have lost all meaning altogether in the past decade or so of use.
(Such as "I don't mean to be nosy, but. . ." which ALWAYS means "I'm NOSY and I want you to tell me everything." and "With all due respect," which actually means "disrespectfully, . . ." Certainly I'm not the only one who notices. These particular phrases are quickly becoming unintentionally sarcastic.)
But seriously, I have felt so much support from a great many of you, and so much appreciation that I share my pictures. . . and your kind words (and some of the naughtier responses, too) mean SO MUCH to me. I want to make sure I express my gratitude for each little nice comment I receive. (And of course for the HELPFUL criticism, of which I have received some very helpful, NON-hurtful comments.)
That all being said. . . I'm going to reply to some messages after this but then it's off to deal with some long-overdue e-mails and most importantly, that resume of mine. I haven't updated it in 4 years. I didn't think it would be so hard to get back out there but it really, really is.
And as for any subsequent photos. . . I'm hoping to make up for last Friday this weekend but I can't yet promise anything seeing as my hubby and I are going up to Disneyland for the P3 premier on Saturday, which will require us to leave home probably around midnight. They're supposed to open their gates around 6:30 AM but I know people will be lining up well beforehand to get in. I missed my chance to see Johnny and Orlando for the first premier and I would have had a DAMNED GOOD SPOT for it, too. I'm not missing my chance this time.
And I'm waiting for 1 of 3 important props to arrive for my next potential set. I spent almost $200 on it - not that I won't use it outside of the shoot, because I will. But I had to order it from an online store and it should be delivered any day now. I won't be able to shoot this Sunday but I'm hoping next weekend we'll finally be able to orchestrate this one. THIS one had better be accepted. If the photos turn out well and it's not accepted, then maybe I will have a little problem with submitting future sets. (The other set was not well planned out; I was just extraordinarily pleased with the photos. This one is taking quite a bit of planning and will not be thrown together.)
Anyway. . . This post has been long enough - I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a good, fun, easy-going and productive week.
And some more to all my special friends:

I'm sorry for my absence over the past few days - I think maybe one or two of you got used to my daily blogs (not that there's much content here!) or are wondering where my message responses are. I was spending way too much time on the computer and not getting anything accomplished so I needed a little break to kind of. . . remind myself to cut back. When I get so dependent upon the Internet, I get depressed and that's no good.
Yeah, I've been depressed over the past couple weeks and it's steadily getting worse. My dear sweet hubby asked if he could do anything to help and the only thing I could tell him was to go back in time to before March. Not like he would have been able to do anything about what happened March 1st, anyway.
SG has been a highlight in this depression, even with the rejection and the inability for certain people to give constructive criticism. (Keyword being, of course, CONSTRUCTIVE.) I'll leave it at that. The words didn't hurt, it's just I wish people would really step back to READ what they're posting before they use certain phrases that have lost all meaning altogether in the past decade or so of use.
(Such as "I don't mean to be nosy, but. . ." which ALWAYS means "I'm NOSY and I want you to tell me everything." and "With all due respect," which actually means "disrespectfully, . . ." Certainly I'm not the only one who notices. These particular phrases are quickly becoming unintentionally sarcastic.)
But seriously, I have felt so much support from a great many of you, and so much appreciation that I share my pictures. . . and your kind words (and some of the naughtier responses, too) mean SO MUCH to me. I want to make sure I express my gratitude for each little nice comment I receive. (And of course for the HELPFUL criticism, of which I have received some very helpful, NON-hurtful comments.)
That all being said. . . I'm going to reply to some messages after this but then it's off to deal with some long-overdue e-mails and most importantly, that resume of mine. I haven't updated it in 4 years. I didn't think it would be so hard to get back out there but it really, really is.
And as for any subsequent photos. . . I'm hoping to make up for last Friday this weekend but I can't yet promise anything seeing as my hubby and I are going up to Disneyland for the P3 premier on Saturday, which will require us to leave home probably around midnight. They're supposed to open their gates around 6:30 AM but I know people will be lining up well beforehand to get in. I missed my chance to see Johnny and Orlando for the first premier and I would have had a DAMNED GOOD SPOT for it, too. I'm not missing my chance this time.
And I'm waiting for 1 of 3 important props to arrive for my next potential set. I spent almost $200 on it - not that I won't use it outside of the shoot, because I will. But I had to order it from an online store and it should be delivered any day now. I won't be able to shoot this Sunday but I'm hoping next weekend we'll finally be able to orchestrate this one. THIS one had better be accepted. If the photos turn out well and it's not accepted, then maybe I will have a little problem with submitting future sets. (The other set was not well planned out; I was just extraordinarily pleased with the photos. This one is taking quite a bit of planning and will not be thrown together.)
Anyway. . . This post has been long enough - I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a good, fun, easy-going and productive week.

And some more to all my special friends:

My sister was diagnosed bi-polar a few weeks ago and I've been getting a crash course in the ins and outs of it. My GF's oldest sister was diagnosed about 10 years ago, so she's been a huge source of that information.
I wish there was something I could do to stop the downward spiral, but I know all too well that it's just not possible. I hope your meds help even it out some, at least.
I know all about not leaving any messages for a few days. I travel a lot, and that can seriously affect my online time when I'm on a business trip. I get behind on personal emails, blog viewing and responding, even looking at the new pictures posted by Suicide Girls.
What kind of work are you looking for?