Uploading a single (albeit large) file should not be so incredibly frustrating.
I've actually lost count of how many attempts I've made uploading my set to SG. Of course, recently I realized a better way to do it (apparently there are two spots you can upload on the form but only one really seems to work. . . unfortunately our Internet connection is constantly timing out, making it impossible to actually load the whole bloody file).
SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Enough sad faces? Aw hell, one more:
I do have a bit of interesting news for anyone who's been following my blog here for a little while:
You know the apartment in PA we were going to rent up until we didn't move from CA? The place that told me I'd be responsible for paying rent until the apartment in question is rented to another tenant?
Well, with help from my father and his expert legalese (thank everything he went to law school at some point in his life!) we sent a letter reviewing our financial situation (blood, turnip, you know.) and stating that we would not be able to pay past one month.
They received that letter on the 25th of April. Didn't hear anything until I e-mailed them on May 1st to ask if the apartment had been rented.
They refused to answer my question but out of the kindness of their hearts were willing to let me break the lease for only one month's rent instead.
I'm willing to admit I'm paranoid as hell.
With good reason.
So my father called up my cousin, who was going to be in that area for my Great Uncle's funeral (strange how things work sometimes. . .
) and she stopped by to see if the apartment was rented.
Surely it was, and it has been occupied since well before May 1st, which was actually the start date of our lease.
So according to that lease we signed (in the event of having to break said lease), um, actually, WE OWE THEM NOTHING.
That will be a fun message to send them tomorrow morning.
I'm glad, sometimes, I'm so distrusting.
So now if only I could get this file to upload already. *SOBSOBSOB*
I've actually lost count of how many attempts I've made uploading my set to SG. Of course, recently I realized a better way to do it (apparently there are two spots you can upload on the form but only one really seems to work. . . unfortunately our Internet connection is constantly timing out, making it impossible to actually load the whole bloody file).
SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do have a bit of interesting news for anyone who's been following my blog here for a little while:
You know the apartment in PA we were going to rent up until we didn't move from CA? The place that told me I'd be responsible for paying rent until the apartment in question is rented to another tenant?
Well, with help from my father and his expert legalese (thank everything he went to law school at some point in his life!) we sent a letter reviewing our financial situation (blood, turnip, you know.) and stating that we would not be able to pay past one month.
They received that letter on the 25th of April. Didn't hear anything until I e-mailed them on May 1st to ask if the apartment had been rented.
They refused to answer my question but out of the kindness of their hearts were willing to let me break the lease for only one month's rent instead.
I'm willing to admit I'm paranoid as hell.
With good reason.
So my father called up my cousin, who was going to be in that area for my Great Uncle's funeral (strange how things work sometimes. . .

Surely it was, and it has been occupied since well before May 1st, which was actually the start date of our lease.
So according to that lease we signed (in the event of having to break said lease), um, actually, WE OWE THEM NOTHING.
That will be a fun message to send them tomorrow morning.
I'm glad, sometimes, I'm so distrusting.

So now if only I could get this file to upload already. *SOBSOBSOB*
I just tried to post two pics on the "What Are You Listening To Right Now 2" board but only one will load and there's no reason I can see for the other not to load.
As for the show, it went not so well. I sang and played like poop on a stick and got got paid, shall we say, appropriately.
The sound was really good, considering I just brought two of my low-watt practice amps (one for mic, one to switch between various guitars, basses, and keys. Still, although the sound was good, I wasn't.
There wasn't much of a crowd and I read them wrong apparently and most of my three or four hours of song selection (and delivery) didn't go over real well. I couldn't even get them to request songs much, and wen they did, my faking skills failed me. Plus, I know I sucked. Just didn't "feel it." And my left wrist is messed up again so I sat down for a lot of the show, and that "just ain't me, Babe." Which is a quote from a song I didn't play. I'll try to pot the whole show's list if I remember it, but not right now.
My keyboard segment in the middle was just Hank Williams' You Win Again (which I played later on electric guitar with a slide) seguing into Fats Domino's Blueberry Hill, followed by Neil Young's "AfterThe Gold Rush."
I got a little response on my solo electric set. They seemed to like Purple Haze tease -> Wind Cries Mary -> Black Magic Woman tease -> Under The Bridge -> Jam -> Black Magic Woman.
And Time Warp -> Betty Lou's Getting Out Tonight -> Time Warp -> This Land Is Your Land ->Time Warp montage worked okay.
And my sloppy as shit attempt at a solo version of 8 Miles High (The Byrds) didn't 'take off' as I hoped. The small audience (smaudience?) seemed to be 8 Miles High. Maybe if I had been, it would have been okay.
My Hank Williams Sr yodel stuff and newly conceived and borne "Ramones unplugged" miniset went over like a lead zeppe - er - iron butterfly - er - dreadful grape.
As did my blues jam, including the Dead's Black Peter and Willie Dixon's Little Red Rooster and Robert Johson's Walkin' Blues (the latter two segued together but I forget in what order - I actually played better slide than I usually do, especially in standard tuning).
My "Roll Another Number (For The Road)" (Neil Young) closer (no encore necessary, apparently :blackeyed) was well-received and I had an couple to go burn with one of the three remaining patrons. I just went right home and logged on and found no new comments so I went night night.
I got what I was worth, though, I suppose. I neglected, in he rush to get it together to get there to help out the owner, to arrange a payment deal and he only gave me 40 bucks and a 20 dollar tab, which is actually a lot more than my performance was worth. Normally I get at least a hundred for a solo gig.
Eventually I'll get to check out your recent pics, but now my nephew's (who's in th Persian Gulf with the Navy) wife and 3 year old son (the latter of whom I have not met) are going to be here from Virginia for a couple hours, so I gotta clean the house.
Hope all is well, Fair Lady.