So I'm just coming back after being away for a looong.... oh, let's call it a meternity leave :) I had a BEAUTIFUL 9lb 5oz, 21inches long baby girl! her name is Evangeline Rayne. She is almost 8months old now and is nearly 20lbs!! After I was cleared to start working out after the pregnancy (I almost died giving birth...literally) I got into a major car accident *sigh*. Some higher being did not want me working out... So now I am FINALLY on physical therapy and the road to recovery! Hopefully I can start working out soon and get a good body! All of these beautiful girls are acting as my inspiration (THANK YOU!) Anyways, not sure who will read this, but I plan on trying to keep this up to date as best as possible and as soon as I start my workout regime I will post pics of my progress! I hope everyone is still kickin' in the mornin'!