WEWTS! I have lost 20lbs so far! Now I just need to keep this momentum going!!!
Man oh man! I've been so tired and stressed lately that I feel like I'm gonna collapse. But I guess the gold at the end of my rainbow is that my daughter now says "dada" and she is walking! WOAH! That happened too fast!!! I think to distress I'm going to set up my backdrop and lighting kit, get dolled up, and take some kick...
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Why wont SG post my blogs?!?!?!?! I have written 3 of them since my last "showing" one! Maybe it's because I am trying to add pictures with it? Suckage... Anyways!!! I did "The Zombie Run - Extreme AND Black Ops" this last weekend!!! My Pedometer said I ran 7.6miles!! OMG MY LEGS ARE SORE! My ass is also super sore!!! GO GLUTES! Lol! It was...
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Does anyone else play WoW? Lately I have been addicted to Battle Pets!!! Farmin' that Unborn Val'kyr is pissing me off though!!! One full week of farming and I still have seen one spawn!!! Anyone have any tips?
Hope you are all enjoying your beauties at home or the ones on here!!!
So I had physical therapy yesterday. Oh my goodness did it kill my arms! I thought pushing myself would make me feel alive, but I felt dead lol. I woke up this morning with stiff arms and neck and I have PT again today. The time before I did 100reps of 25lbs on the row machine, yesterday I think I did 25reps of 40lbs on...
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Today's feeling like a blah kinda day. I think I'm gonna take Evangeline for a jog with me then takes some photos. It's middle of January and still 70+ degrees. Yesterday I went jogging after my physical therapy and it felt so nice! Granted it was on the side of a busy highway, but where I live it's still scenic with all the orchards around....
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So I'm just coming back after being away for a looong.... oh, let's call it a meternity leave :) I had a BEAUTIFUL 9lb 5oz, 21inches long baby girl! her name is Evangeline Rayne. She is almost 8months old now and is nearly 20lbs!! After I was cleared to start working out after the pregnancy (I almost died giving birth...literally) I got into a major...
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