I’m desperate to learn how to use this site via my mobile device! I can’t seem to locate or work any blog posts other than my own. I can’t post to threads and I don’t know what I am doing on here at all other then making my own posts. My insta is linked where I post daily but the never show here and I’ve unlinked and relinked. I’m trying super hard and I’m getting wonderful feedback from those that have found me on this site, but I feel like I could be using the site more to interact with fans and other sg/sghs!! Can someone pls help me figure this out? I’m super awesome at working insta but as for blogging, links and threads I’m lostttt :(
I wanna meet new peeps and I just wanna be a real sg one day💗
Ps thanks to everyone for the love and feedback on my most recent set!! I’m blown away!!!
And my fourth set “morning wood” shot by @cersei is out it just over three weeks so keep watching!! 🖤❤️