Page 4 , Blog index #1.
Unapproved non paid advertisement: Check out The Sugar Dames ,-Myspace,Facebook,Twitter, and you can buy their sound at i-tunes.
So , besides all of this Logos stuff, there is also, this guy, I'll call him;........Me.
Now me, this guy , has been bustin ass for years now, trying to sell art to uninterested ,hot dog munching, beer soaked, non consumers.
Pretty silly way to try to make a living, don't you think ?
But the saga continues, after years of arm wrestling with the city's Sign guy, we finally have gotten enough approval to hang a sign on the restaurant marquette that stands along side of the very busy road that runs by our plaza .
So I throw about $400.00 at the sign maker guy, and a week later he brings me the sign
measuring 32" X 96 1/2". All that's left to do now is attach it to two steel uprights that hold up the restaurant sign. Today being one of the hottest days on record is when fate gives me a reservation to put on long pants, a long sleeved shirt and actual shoes to go outside and weld in. Oh yes, I did forget the double insulated welding gloves and welders mask, those two items seemingly boost body temperature by 5-10 degrees.
Right now I'm taking a heat break, I have the angle iron top brace welded together and a heavy coat of rustoleum black paint is hopefully drying on it.
After I finish my goof-off session, I'll go out and grind spots on the metal legs I'm going to weld the brace to.
In other news: I finally found someone who carries the needed part to make my #1 kiln work. I should be able to start cooking pottery pretty soon, just as soon as I install the part and get the electrical guy to wire me up some 240 V. My #2 kiln I just recieved from an e-bay seller, it's a wreck;
it needs the same part, and the floor bricks replaced completely as well as a new heavy duty power cord. " In good condition" , yeah, fuckin great condition;...for something dropped out of an airplane! E-bay, you pays your moneys, you take your chances. "yudda yudda, I shoulda knowed betta."
This weekend we go to NOLA for a party. It's a Non-B-day party, for a friend who just turned 50, she is still very hot, I might add. She was taken on a surprise B-day trip to Paris & Rome, so this party will have to be totally maximum to receive a decent score after that trip. It's going to be a surprise at her house, we all going Mardi Gras for the party, I hope we can blow her mind, without the use of E, but what the hell ? Whateverittakes.
Boring ain't I ?
Unapproved non paid advertisement: Check out The Sugar Dames ,-Myspace,Facebook,Twitter, and you can buy their sound at i-tunes.
So , besides all of this Logos stuff, there is also, this guy, I'll call him;........Me.
Now me, this guy , has been bustin ass for years now, trying to sell art to uninterested ,hot dog munching, beer soaked, non consumers.
Pretty silly way to try to make a living, don't you think ?
But the saga continues, after years of arm wrestling with the city's Sign guy, we finally have gotten enough approval to hang a sign on the restaurant marquette that stands along side of the very busy road that runs by our plaza .
So I throw about $400.00 at the sign maker guy, and a week later he brings me the sign
measuring 32" X 96 1/2". All that's left to do now is attach it to two steel uprights that hold up the restaurant sign. Today being one of the hottest days on record is when fate gives me a reservation to put on long pants, a long sleeved shirt and actual shoes to go outside and weld in. Oh yes, I did forget the double insulated welding gloves and welders mask, those two items seemingly boost body temperature by 5-10 degrees.
Right now I'm taking a heat break, I have the angle iron top brace welded together and a heavy coat of rustoleum black paint is hopefully drying on it.
After I finish my goof-off session, I'll go out and grind spots on the metal legs I'm going to weld the brace to.
In other news: I finally found someone who carries the needed part to make my #1 kiln work. I should be able to start cooking pottery pretty soon, just as soon as I install the part and get the electrical guy to wire me up some 240 V. My #2 kiln I just recieved from an e-bay seller, it's a wreck;
it needs the same part, and the floor bricks replaced completely as well as a new heavy duty power cord. " In good condition" , yeah, fuckin great condition;...for something dropped out of an airplane! E-bay, you pays your moneys, you take your chances. "yudda yudda, I shoulda knowed betta."
This weekend we go to NOLA for a party. It's a Non-B-day party, for a friend who just turned 50, she is still very hot, I might add. She was taken on a surprise B-day trip to Paris & Rome, so this party will have to be totally maximum to receive a decent score after that trip. It's going to be a surprise at her house, we all going Mardi Gras for the party, I hope we can blow her mind, without the use of E, but what the hell ? Whateverittakes.
Boring ain't I ?

Fair's fair, after all.