I just finally refixed my friends avitars back up on the top 8 list.
And Now; climbing the charts with amazing speed;.......NumBer Nine, with a BuLLet !
One of my friends up there has left SG, but if I take her down , she might chk. back in and see it and feel dissD.
Kinda lame , huh ?
One friend left SG twice, got married, changed her life,location, moniker for the third time, and came back.
Now I have to attempt to figure out who she is this time, or by this time, cause time changes us, ok not me, but most people.
I might be going off the tracks, don't worry, I don't really care either.
bless you my son.
And Now; climbing the charts with amazing speed;.......NumBer Nine, with a BuLLet !
One of my friends up there has left SG, but if I take her down , she might chk. back in and see it and feel dissD.
Kinda lame , huh ?
One friend left SG twice, got married, changed her life,location, moniker for the third time, and came back.
Now I have to attempt to figure out who she is this time, or by this time, cause time changes us, ok not me, but most people.
I might be going off the tracks, don't worry, I don't really care either.