Last night, like every other night of my life I was laying in bed letting the thoughts and events of my day and life play out before like a scratchy old movie. I thought about all the people that were alive that day and gone by the time night fell. I didn't know any of them. Not a single name. It made me wonder how many people will remember me when I'm gone. How many will cry when I slip away. Most of us live our lives and are gone without anyone ever knowing we ever were. I don't want my name to dissapeare forever!
I can't add any more friends to my list, as I am required by law to only have 10 friends haha, but I appreciate the compliment.
Also, your poetry thread got bumped again. Try not to take that shit so personally. I wouldn't advise asking for critique on the boards again, although I didn't really read your first post as asking for a critique. I read it more as "Tell me it sucks if you want, I'm still going to post it." I only advise not doing it again, as per SG unwritten "rules" the boards aren't the place to do so. The poetry group, however, should give you actual critique without all of the rudeness. The boards are a bit too general, and you can't weed out which are serious and which are just taking the piss to be mean to the new guy (quite a syndrome around here, bandwagon jumping). Good luck