I have lots of feelings going on currently. First of all, I'm worried... very worried. My poor kitty, Riley. Saturday morning I got home to find what I thought were scratches from playing with his brothers had turned into huge lesions or ulcers on his body, with complete loss of fur around them....pretty gross looking..pink and swollen and moist .. sooo I called the vet and begged him to let me come in, and he did. So, he looked at Riley, and he said that it could be just a bacterial infection so he gave me some Panalog cream. However, he did say it could something more serious...some kind of autoimmune disease where he would have to have surgery to remove them, and they most likely will continue to grow back. I'm sure in the mean time his health will deteriorate and immune system will get worse as it progresses, if that's what he has. Also, he was born with a congenital disorder that is just recently becoming a problem. The vet he either has an extra bone in each of his legs, or some kind of major abnormality.... all I know is that he can hardly walk by this point (he has never been able to jump on counters or sinks like normal cats). He basically drags himself around with his two front paws. So, he may end up losing his legs too. Ugh, this is so depressing...he just turned 1 on Valentine's Day, and he's such a sweet kitty.... sleeps with me every night, all night.. I've become so attached to him. I tried to take pictures of these lesions to see if anyone has ever seen anything like this before, but my camera isn't good enough to show the appropriate detail to see that it's not just a pink sore. Anyway, since Saturday I've been putting on the Panalog cream, but the lesions are gettin bigger and he's losing more fur. I called the vet today, and he told me to call him in a couple weeks. It made me so mad...obviously it's not helping. I don't know if I should go to a different vet or what. I am going to be out of town the next four weekends, and I don't have the money to be taking him to the vet if they're going to tell me to just put stupid antibacterial crap on it. I did my own research and I think it's Eosinophilic Complex Disease. Too bad I'm not a vet. Anyone have any experience with this diseae though at all? Ugh, this is stressing me out.
That's him.. He's a tiny cat. Now a year old and still about 5 pounds.
Anyway, on a better note, I'm getting all excited for the up and comin get aways. This comin weekend I'm going to Missouri to play with tubaart and takes lots of fabulous pictures. Then 3 days later I'm heading Texas for interview #1, coming back to shitastic Wisconsin for 2 days, and then heading to Florida for another interview and finally, I'll be heading to North Carolina, not sure when yet, but for another interview. God I love leaving the state. That pretty much covers it. I'm so nervous for my interviews. I need to start preparing! And I need to make sure I know how to be a good model for this weekend.
And, finally, while I'm in photobucket, I've had requests for "more pictures" of myself, and in my hobbies I have "stealing holiday decorations from my apartment", and I was asked what that was all about too. Lucky for you guys, I document everything I steal from the building. Here are a couple goodies...
And last but not least, I'll leave you with a myspaceish picture...
Wow that was quite the blog for me. Hopefully SOMEONE will read it.

That's him.. He's a tiny cat. Now a year old and still about 5 pounds.
Anyway, on a better note, I'm getting all excited for the up and comin get aways. This comin weekend I'm going to Missouri to play with tubaart and takes lots of fabulous pictures. Then 3 days later I'm heading Texas for interview #1, coming back to shitastic Wisconsin for 2 days, and then heading to Florida for another interview and finally, I'll be heading to North Carolina, not sure when yet, but for another interview. God I love leaving the state. That pretty much covers it. I'm so nervous for my interviews. I need to start preparing! And I need to make sure I know how to be a good model for this weekend.

And, finally, while I'm in photobucket, I've had requests for "more pictures" of myself, and in my hobbies I have "stealing holiday decorations from my apartment", and I was asked what that was all about too. Lucky for you guys, I document everything I steal from the building. Here are a couple goodies...

And last but not least, I'll leave you with a myspaceish picture...

Wow that was quite the blog for me. Hopefully SOMEONE will read it.
Your set is oh so hot...and u are sooooo cute...wow!
Take care... and you too Riley,