I'm semi-happy. Because I will be out of state 3 weekends in a row (the end of February and March). Two for grad school interviews to my top two schools of choice, and one to do a shoot with one of SG's wonderful photographers. If I could get my set accepted and one acceptance to one of the clinical neuropsychology programs, my spring would definitely be complete. Oh, and I'll be graduating college on top of all that. Now hurry along February... I have plans to pursue and goals to accomplish.
Hmm..other than that..let's see.. I have discovered that I LIKE history class. I do..it's like my favorite. All through high school I despised history and wrote a remarkable number of notes and drew some of my best drawings...so assuming I still hate history, I put it off until my very last semester of college, and now I think it's way interesting and not pointless. What don't I like.. Kafka...I have an entire class on this man's literature. The best part about it is attempting to diagnose him with the proper psychological disorders. Sorry, I don't appreciate much 19th century literature I suppose. On a more positive note, I LOVE FORENSIC SCIENCE. It's pretty sad though learning how much bullshit CSI is, after being a loyal viewer for so long. Damn, why must they change things for entertainment purposes.. why why why.. now all I do when I watch CSI with anyone is criticize the flaws... like "Actually, it's impossible to tell that that blood splatter was from 40 inches, because actually 40 inches and 80 could be confused...blah blah...." and I pretty much think it drives my friends crazy. Ah, and medical ethics...that's another issue. My class hates me. Probably because I'm the only noncatholic person in the building, so I don't have religious ethics..well EXCUSE me.
This is pretty much like writing a journal, because I have like a handful of friends...1 or 2 maybe read this.. I dunno we'll see..
I'll make sure the answer is "yes." PBR?