well, just sipping on some soco and coke, had a pretty good day, made some good money, am working on a couple of musical pieces, remade an acquaintence, and had some emotional ups and downs along with the philisophical meanderings that come afterwards, refectively speaking that is.
I even hollered back, yo. stop collaborate and listen.
mike is back with his brand new edition. okay enough cheese.
i think my next financial goal is to get a nice digital camera, but you know like the really nice ones where you can change out the lenses and everything. after that maybe a cello or upright bass, i cannot decide which, but time will tell. and i f i cared enough i would get an xbox 360, but i really have enough to do as it is already. i really dont need all the stuff that fills out my apartment. but im glad for it. all i really need however, is a place to lay my head, do my schoolwork, and make it through. simplicity. haha...im so contradictory. simple yet complex, free spirited, yet a pretentious scaredy cat, artistic and all that entails, yet level headed and good with money...i think i am all of these contradictions and much more, simply because they are my counterinitiatives to my nature. because i am a procrastinator i get my work done early. because i am impulsive and would spend my money everywhere, i save it, pay my bills, and am tight about making any big purchases other than what is necessary. im done with borrowing and am going to do the if its worth it, you'll save for it and then buy it, method. except for on the college tip, i will be borrowing to the hilt on that one. o well. gotta do whatcha gotta do. i think after school ill be going into the peace core, then directly afterwards getting a job to pay off my student loans, and then quit that job and just roam the world like a global kerouac menos the drugs and what not, maybe a puff or a pop here and there, but ive never done them, dont know if i ever will. i have thought about it though.armed with a camera, a handheld digital recorder, and a comp book and pen, o and maybe my guitar. who knows.
I even hollered back, yo. stop collaborate and listen.
mike is back with his brand new edition. okay enough cheese.
i think my next financial goal is to get a nice digital camera, but you know like the really nice ones where you can change out the lenses and everything. after that maybe a cello or upright bass, i cannot decide which, but time will tell. and i f i cared enough i would get an xbox 360, but i really have enough to do as it is already. i really dont need all the stuff that fills out my apartment. but im glad for it. all i really need however, is a place to lay my head, do my schoolwork, and make it through. simplicity. haha...im so contradictory. simple yet complex, free spirited, yet a pretentious scaredy cat, artistic and all that entails, yet level headed and good with money...i think i am all of these contradictions and much more, simply because they are my counterinitiatives to my nature. because i am a procrastinator i get my work done early. because i am impulsive and would spend my money everywhere, i save it, pay my bills, and am tight about making any big purchases other than what is necessary. im done with borrowing and am going to do the if its worth it, you'll save for it and then buy it, method. except for on the college tip, i will be borrowing to the hilt on that one. o well. gotta do whatcha gotta do. i think after school ill be going into the peace core, then directly afterwards getting a job to pay off my student loans, and then quit that job and just roam the world like a global kerouac menos the drugs and what not, maybe a puff or a pop here and there, but ive never done them, dont know if i ever will. i have thought about it though.armed with a camera, a handheld digital recorder, and a comp book and pen, o and maybe my guitar. who knows.