You are pumping out all things creative! Hell yes!! I love the pillowcase shirts, they are so cute!!

Thanks, yes, it is weird being on this side of the working world. I can't get over how FAST it happened but all things are impermanent.
Now we've temporarily got a house, though for some reason, I was given the only room in the house that doesn't lock.

When I was holed up in the hotel, I worked on my sewing and actually put together two dresses from some cool designed pillowcases. I do not have a camera to get a decent picture of them, but I tried with this new...
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Wow. Things kinda suck. So yeah, I got internetz again, but the whole living in a hotel thing and not having any privacy from my annoying brothers and my parents thing is bad. It's like going on vacation with them as a kid, but for months on end. There is pools though, which is cool and all.
So yeah. Saturday, my house kinda burned down. My stuff was actually the most recoverable, since it was furthest away from the start of the fire even if it smells like charcoal and is soaking wet. Everyone's alright though and we're moving on and all the insurance stuff and whatnot is being handled.. And I found out at the inn we're staying that Elvira's Movie...
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Yikes - very sorry to hear about the fire. Sad to lose things with memories attached more than other things as they can't be replaced.
Ok, so my computer totally has a meltdown. I'm feeling like crap because this thing in new and I just got everything working out right on it and it goes and flips the fuck out on me.

So then I manage to bring it back up and everything is fine and as it should be and now I'm feeling pretty great because it's the first...
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Holy Crap! Night Tornadoes! I will never understand where South Carolina's weather comes from.
Night tornados!?? How crazy!

My home town sounds exactly like what you are describing. Walmart is thee big thing and everyone that lives there buys all there crap from it. You're right that city living offers so much in stimulation and things to do which is why I've loved the past two years but now I feel like there's only so many times to do and now that I know what is here and how to access it, I need to build the next level. An awesome, progressive small space where I can run outside but can come into the city for shows or other things I really want to see.

So, Japan. There's an enormous loss of life, earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns, tsunamis and volcanoes. But, closer to home, it seems that some American people are indicating that this is some kinda karmic or divine retribution against Japan for the Pearl Harbor attacks. That is utter crap. Ignoring the complete lack of empathy of that given sentiment, saying that an attack two generations removed from the...
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Welcome back!

The disaster in Japan has been terrible and I agree there has been a mixed reaction from the US.