The lovely Alexis Mateo
Hometown Hero and Pride 2011 Queen, Ava Clear
I forgot this year's King's name, but man, I was close to the stage.


Kiki DeVille, Lady LaPoodle and Veronica Le Blank. My three favorite impersonators ever. All appearing together.
The incomparable Ms. Chanel Stevens. Cher Extraordinaire.
Drawing a blank on the name, but that crazy spinny dress was mildly hypnotic.
Paris was awesome. There were cartwheels and splits involved.
Ava Clear once again. Mildly resembling the NBC Peacock.
Fairly sure this was Patti O'Furniture, the Yard sale with legs.

Another former Miss Gay Pride South Carolina who's name I can not totally recall.
And after, despite the heat, compounded by the wig, massive amount of foundation and the extra layer of body shaping undergarment, not looking too bad.