So, Japan. There's an enormous loss of life, earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns, tsunamis and volcanoes. But, closer to home, it seems that some American people are indicating that this is some kinda karmic or divine retribution against Japan for the Pearl Harbor attacks. That is utter crap. Ignoring the complete lack of empathy of that given sentiment, saying that an attack two generations removed from the present in a country we've had a history of testing nuclear bombs on is some kinda payback? So, yeah. That is kinda ridiculous and it shows that Americans apparently haven't forgiven Japan or that the previous generations are perpetuating their prejudices though faulty education. Any great loss of life is tragic and natural disasters are one of the worst threats because you can not prevent them, only brace and prepare. Blaming natural disasters on a nation's action itself is silly and morbid. Have a little tact people.
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So, Japan. There's an enormous loss of life, earthquakes, nuclear mel…
The disaster in Japan has been terrible and I agree there has been a mixed reaction from the US.