Ok, so I figured that sucking down chemical fumes from wet boxes in the back of a truck made me violently ill for the past night and day, but I'm back and doin' fine for America Blows Things Up Day! Now, I feel it necessary to say that while lucid about our country's faults and major problems, I still love this place. We may have invented the Atom Bomb, but we also created Rock and Roll. And, sometimes you've gotta take the good with the bad. Even given a choice, there is no place I'd rather permanently live. And what better way to celebrate out great country than to saturate the air with smoke and gunpowder. No, I'm completely serious. Fireworks are awesome. Personal explosions with giant beautiful designs. I think it's a totally cool product.
Also, Bohemian Rhapsody, because classic rock is timeless.
Also, Bohemian Rhapsody, because classic rock is timeless.