Testing...one...two...three. Check, check. Hello Suicide World, I am Xiaohu. Now, it's been confirmed that roughly 50% of what I say is nonsense, so bear with me.
Er...what to say...
Well, I'm 20 as you can clearly see. I live in the deep south, but still in the range of civilization. The kind of place where a manure farm is just up the road from a group of computer companies. And, that's where i work to provide the kind of fine service that keeps PC's off their deathbeads...hopefully. Still, I consider my job to be a writer and an artist despite what I'm getting paid for and chances are that I'm going to have long winded posts or entries that don't quite know when to end.
And, that's about all I can think of to say for now.
~Peace Out~
Er...what to say...
Well, I'm 20 as you can clearly see. I live in the deep south, but still in the range of civilization. The kind of place where a manure farm is just up the road from a group of computer companies. And, that's where i work to provide the kind of fine service that keeps PC's off their deathbeads...hopefully. Still, I consider my job to be a writer and an artist despite what I'm getting paid for and chances are that I'm going to have long winded posts or entries that don't quite know when to end.
And, that's about all I can think of to say for now.
~Peace Out~