have any of you ever walked the tracks? its a cool feeling to know that if you stayed between these two pieces of metal you could cross this nation coast to coast. they say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. after walking the tracks i can attest to that truth. because no matter how far off in the distance that that place might be, in a magical way, these two lines reach out into the infinite horizon to bring you there one step at a time. and believe it or not, thats moving faster than the speed of light. because if your heart is already there, then its only a matter of time for your mind and your body to catch up. here are some pics of my adventure...

at this point a train is coming and i'm feeling bold. so i decide i'm going to climb up this thing and let the train pass under me...

and here it comes...

damn what a rush...
oh, and i also like to do this at night...


at this point a train is coming and i'm feeling bold. so i decide i'm going to climb up this thing and let the train pass under me...

and here it comes...

damn what a rush...
oh, and i also like to do this at night...
