i just blew three G's over the past two days trying to get my mind right. in the end all it took was a pretty little mommie with a bangin body, not quite EMI status, ta get the job done. i've been spending to much time lately trying to fix other people that i've neglected myself. i got needs, i got appetites that i needs ta feed. i've been sustaining myself on me for to long now. we all got lives to live, we all got places that we need to be, and right now, i'm where i'm at. i don't want to be alone, so i got ta do what i gots ta do. i hope you can understand that, and don't hold it against me later. soon i'll be where you're at, and maybe then, if thats what you want, i'll be with you. as always, i got nothing for love for you baby. keep doin what you do, cuz you do it so well, and believe it or not, it keeps this crazy ass world from falling all over itself into a million little pieces. i love you. peace.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 19, 2009
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Friday Jun 19, 2009
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Thursday Jun 04, 2009
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Wednesday Jun 03, 2009
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Sunday Aug 03, 2008
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Wednesday Jun 04, 2008
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Wednesday May 21, 2008
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