that really hurts me... ='(
More Blogs
Friday Jun 19, 2009
heres another PrimorisVir exclusive, so you know you heard it here fi… -
Friday Jun 19, 2009
for some reason i wasn't able to edit the toe tag thing on my picture… -
Thursday Jun 04, 2009
do not trade the sovereignty of your mind for the cheap flashes of en… -
Wednesday Jun 03, 2009
thank you, to whoever did that thing you know you did =) -
Sunday Aug 03, 2008
its time for a new blog me thinks, soooo here it is: Herro -
Wednesday Jun 04, 2008
i just want to change the tone of my blog as i'm feelin good right no… -
Friday May 30, 2008
that little cat found its way back home, but someone hit it and i fou… -
Tuesday May 27, 2008
both the weirdest, and the cutest thing happened to me this morning. … -
Wednesday May 21, 2008
i'm done wit cha. good luck and all that shit. and sometimes love mea… -
Wednesday May 14, 2008
i'm back from tha dead, and feelin sweet... so here is sumthin for ya…
1) No hard feelings on my posts in your CE post. I was just teasing. It wasn't meant as an insult, but I realized that you may have not been around long enough to realize that.
2) I studied archeology at one of the top three archaeological schools in the country and with some of the top archaeologist in this country. If you have any questions, or ever need some guidance, or whatever, just let me know. I'd glad to be able to help in whatever way possible. I may even be able to find you some "work."
3) Your dog is very cute.
Take care friend.