Trapped within gyres ever unrolling, I unfloded myself and watched as my life passed by like bolts of cloth on to the tailor to be sewn again into the fabric of life. I saw my beginning and my end, over, and over, and over again. However, the one thing that always remained unchanged was Love, for it was free and had no bounds. Such being its nature, I have now commited a crime against it. I am guilty of trying to hold it hostage, trapped within this fleeting moment. I should not have tried to capture Love, for it made me its captive. Held within it's sacred chambers, I was confined by bars of my own vanity and idealism. They say that the mind is a maze, but in conjunction with the heart, it becomes a labrynth. Love is a curious thing though, for it showed mercy on it's pittiful captive. It offered to free me for it had no desire to keep that which did not want to be kept. At that moment I realized what it meant to be Loved. It is a gift to the willing and the brave. Those who do not fear to serve one another through pleasure and pain, through times of joy and times of sorrow. Love is the great equalizer that brings order to chaos, vengeance upon the unjust, and life to the dead.
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