hmmm, my journal. about as bare as a badger in a badger fur coat factory. far too much working, not enough sleeping and hardly any playing makes primate a bit grouchy and likely to not share his biscuits. my biscuits dammit. well, all things considered its going well so far. all but one band confirmed for the gig, equipment issues sorted and the new logo has been completed and will be unveiled shortly. having said that Derek has run off and started his own drug production operation somewhere in the rainforests of south america. last i heard, he'd renamed himself 'el womblay' and was executing his rivals with a pointy stick. more on that later.
we have finally found a mascot/logo for primitive promotions (thanks to designer and artist Mark Bardsley) will post it here when i work out how
its a monkey with a bass, we're gonna call him 'spank'. yeah, we're that puerile.
aah well, til next time take care and dont do anything i wouldnt do (if you can find summat i wouldnt do then send it to...)
ok, heres the pic, this guy rocks

we have finally found a mascot/logo for primitive promotions (thanks to designer and artist Mark Bardsley) will post it here when i work out how

aah well, til next time take care and dont do anything i wouldnt do (if you can find summat i wouldnt do then send it to...)

ok, heres the pic, this guy rocks

think i got what you ment give us a little while and i should have what i think it is tat you want done
"now don't do it again"