I want to use the experience of living in San Angelo to get better at communication. I've gotten really new feedback, and I think I can learn a lot from it (about communicating with people of much lower intelligence and far less experience or sophistication). That kind of thing needs to stop if I ever want to communicate with these people, maybe. I really find it difficult to deal with people who seem proud of their ignorance, and I won't apologize for taking offense at that. I just need to deal with it nonetheless without ruining lives or even days.
More Blogs
Thursday Aug 25, 2011
Finished Summer with a 4.0, and I kind of dread actually attending cl… -
Friday Jul 22, 2011
Still coming correct with my Summer shit. I can wave goodbye to Amer… -
Friday Jul 01, 2011
History and Government fill me with rage and despair. I'm still maki… -
Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
The eerie sounds of Saturn, as recorded by Cassini http://www.nasa… -
Thursday May 19, 2011
I can just argue with the voices in my head, if I think they're wrong… -
Saturday Apr 30, 2011
Back to college. Third time's the charm! -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2011
Shallow and happy? Sad and sincere? Offensively yappin' or drowning… -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2011
I heard Ricky Gervais say: "Just because you're offended, it doesn't … -
Friday Apr 01, 2011
I had the most annoying fear fantasy this morning. I just realized t… -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
expect, out of sight