In case you haven't noticed, I don't really do a lot of blogging. However, my oldest friend asked me to participate in his website, and I actually found the prospect intriguing. It's Gonzo Science. While you're at it, consider buying the book. You'll be an early adopter for less than $20.
Mentioning $20 reminds me of a rant which I haven't ranted here, yet. I want to see Jackson removed from the $20 bill. Yes, he did fine work in the Battle of New Orleans, and a lot to expand the country to the west, but I don't really want to get into a debate about that. Just consider the cost. Heard of a little thing called the Trail of Tears? "If the Supreme Court wants to honor treaties with the Cherokee, let them get their own army." I don't know how many other genocidal illiterates we have on our money, but I have that one in my sights. Maybe we can replace him with Reagan. You might admit that it would at least be an improvement.
Mentioning $20 reminds me of a rant which I haven't ranted here, yet. I want to see Jackson removed from the $20 bill. Yes, he did fine work in the Battle of New Orleans, and a lot to expand the country to the west, but I don't really want to get into a debate about that. Just consider the cost. Heard of a little thing called the Trail of Tears? "If the Supreme Court wants to honor treaties with the Cherokee, let them get their own army." I don't know how many other genocidal illiterates we have on our money, but I have that one in my sights. Maybe we can replace him with Reagan. You might admit that it would at least be an improvement.