If you don't know Whatever, you'll want to find out what you've missed. This post seems like a good place to start.
This year I also managed to arouse the ire of a whole stack of racist, sexist, homophobic dipshits with the above posts as well as several others. If I did nothing else with my year, this would have made it delightful to me.... Read More
Very very true, my dear sir. But puppy sitting for me is just a once in a while thing. I'm actually allergic, so I try not to push myself too hard in that area. But it did get me a good chunk of change!!! I will follow my artistic pursuits forever, no matter what job I have.
Get your download of Andy Cirzan's Christmas mix tape while you can! I consider it an antidote or a vaccination against all the crappy Christmas music I have to endure this time of year. Somehow, hearing the oddities that he collects makes it all better.
Miyuki came on my radar from Celty Sturlington in Durarara and Carl Clover from the Blazblue games. She's got a distinctive voice, but I like how much unique subtlety she's still able to give each character. I recently discovered she did Yomi from Black Rock Shooter, too. I've watched the series several times, and didn't even realize it.
I still haven't watched Hidamari Sketch. I should make it happen soon.
I don't usually watch sports, but I've had an inclination to go and watch my college's women's volleyball team. I had a stressful week with four tests, and the last one today did not go as well as I expected. So when I saw the email that they were having a really important game tonight, I decided to drag my ass out of the house... Read More
eep! You made me go back and find those links myself so I could remember what the hell I'd said
Anyway, I didn't think the exposition was overdone either. But when I get to reading Tsubasa again, I think I may just skip the first half. To me, it seemed like the first half was only there for fan service and it doesn't finally start on it's own story until the second half. And I liked the second half, especially the ending. I like that despite how convoluted it was, everything fit together perfectly.
volleyball matches can get intense. I like that you went out and enjoyed it. Also, thanks for the comment on my blog. ^_^ I'm definitely giving it my all. My teacher who did all the casting told me today that she's heard I'm doing well with the role so far, and that she and the other lady who did the castings agreed they couldn't think of any other student in the first year who could handle the role. I was so blown away by the compliment.
I hope your four tests went well! That does sound suuuper stressful.
@EFF has a new campaign to ask Congress to defend bloggers against bogus lawsuits designed to silence them. I signed up, and I hope you will do the same.
I recently read How to be Black, by Baratunde Thurston, and I enjoyed it a lot. It got me thinking about racism again, but in a more wholistic way. The author managed to really bring me into his experience and let me see things from a new perspective. I actually remembered some uncomfortable instances at work, and I think I have a better idea of... Read More
Nah, I got perspective on just how much time I waste on the internet on a daily basis a long time ago. I've actually significantly cut down on the amount of time I spend on the internet, and it's still pretty bad
People change, and I have a hard time telling whether their preferences or their behavior has changed. If a person behaves in the way that they prefer and changes their behavior because of their preferences, I may not like it but I have an easier time accepting it than in the other case. If a person changes their behavior because they previously behaved contrary to... Read More
I started wondering about the issue of eating chicken cooked less than well done. It makes sense that any part of the chicken which could come into contact with the intestines needs to have heat applied to it to sterilize it. I don't see any reason besides the dire warnings of the idiots who made us get rid of wood cutting boards to cook it... Read More