so this year has started of sucking. My car broke down over a month ago, and now I just got it back. I hop in to drive off, and my f*ing stereo sys. has been stolen. I love that you can't trust people. So now I'm in a battle with the place that was fixing my car, to see what they'll do. Basicly, the...
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so this year has started of sucking. My car broke down over a month ago, and now I just got it back. I hop in to drive off, and my f*ing stereo sys. has been stolen. I love that you can't trust people. So now I'm in a battle with the place that was fixing my car, to see what they'll do. Basicly, the...
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ouch..that is rough..definetly fight with that place..
I'm back with a vengance baby. This is a new addiction of mine. I love this site, I love the women on this site. No i'm not gay, but I prolly should be. I quit for a short time. I think I'm jus' preachin to air here, but what the heck, huh? the girls here are absolutely phenominal! Inspriational, even. Me and my roomies...
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I'm back with a vengance baby. This is a new addiction of mine. I love this site, I love the women on this site. No i'm not gay, but I prolly should be. I quit for a short time. I think I'm jus' preachin to air here, but what the heck, huh? the girls here are absolutely phenominal! Inspriational, even. Me and my roomies...
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my roommate and I do the same thing..sit down and surf the site wondering who we each like
so i went to turning stone...for anybody who is in northern ny, it is one (if not basically the only) casino in this area. i had a friggin' blast! i won 180 off a dollar slot. i know what you're thinkin..she said slot, right? *insert beavis & butthead laugh here* in the hotel part there was this huuuge open dome, so it was like...
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so i went to turning stone...for anybody who is in northern ny, it is one (if not basically the only) casino in this area. i had a friggin' blast! i won 180 off a dollar slot. i know what you're thinkin..she said slot, right? *insert beavis & butthead laugh here* in the hotel part there was this huuuge open dome, so it was like...
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Like, oeh mah gawd!
my first journal entry! damn 'im so lame. anywhot, man i'm f*in psyched! got me and a friend floor tix fer NIN in rochester, ny! can't wait >_<
anybody else here goin it be cool to meet ya.
adios muchachos

anybody else here goin it be cool to meet ya.
adios muchachos

the book is even better than the movie, but both are good.
welcome to the site
cute pic btw. where's it from?

cute pic btw. where's it from?