I have to say that I am very proud of myself. The pain and suffering at the beginning of the year dealt me a shattering blow, but it only made me stronger. So far the highlight of my year is surviving the NIN concert last night. I came out completely drenched (head to toe, literally) in sweat and blood (other peoples, of course), with minimal damage to myself or personal property. The openner, Saul Williams, was seriously very phenominal and deep. I absolutely loved him, so I recommend anybody to go see him and listen to what he has to say, it's alot! Then fucking LEAST a 20 song set. No encore needed, just straight, raw and unabashed music! They played alot of their older stuff, which I was incredibly happy about (alot of the teenie-boppers weren't happy...cuz they coldn't sing along...
). They might have played a hand full, if even, of their new music. It was just simply amazing. Of course their were a bunch of people their that pissed me and my posse off. The "olsen" twins..with their popping gum, blonde hair and "ripped/burned" wifebeaters with all the new songs and Closer, written on them. Annoyed the shit out of me. The couple that LITERALLY were eating each others faces (there is good making out..then BAD making out..this was bad..). The 4 foot wonder that wouldn't stop jumping and turning and hitting me, and stepping on my feet (thank the person that made steel-toed boots!). Lastly the fucking asshole that was seriously pushing me (I'm a petite 5'7" (8"), then almost knocked me over to get a piece of Trent's guitar, that the security guards ended up getting anyways. So I busted out an old skool mortal kombat move, jumped in the air and fucking bashed the guy in the fucking head with my fist (if you don't think he deserved it then fuck off, he did, this guy was a gorilla compared to me, he didn't have to be an ass). The other souls being harrassed by the guy, applauded me, which in turn made me feel good, and it got me a smile and a wink from Aaron North. Sweet! Anyways, I'm I'm outty.
I have to say that I am very proud of myself. The pain and suffering at the beginning of the year dealt me a shattering blow, but it only made me stronger. So far the highlight of my year is surviving the NIN concert last night. I came out completely drenched (head to toe, literally) in sweat and blood (other peoples, of course), with minimal damage to myself or personal property. The openner, Saul Williams, was seriously very phenominal and deep. I absolutely loved him, so I recommend anybody to go see him and listen to what he has to say, it's alot! Then fucking LEAST a 20 song set. No encore needed, just straight, raw and unabashed music! They played alot of their older stuff, which I was incredibly happy about (alot of the teenie-boppers weren't happy...cuz they coldn't sing along...