Hooray for puppies!!
atleast that's what me and my friends call breasts. So flippin happy that Reagan has a new set up!! she is soooo amazing *_*. this girl is seriously my inspiration (good, bad, you be the judge ^_~). so i'm just chillin and relaxin, eat some apple-cinni oatmeal (hey..i'm po' otay), and reagan got a new set..so im checkin that out. Man and Peelander-Z has a show this march in Albany! all you guys need to check them out! these guys are freakin' amazing!! plus i was able to sleep in..till 10:25! i know, good day!! though i did have a weird dream that i was in an rpg game at a castle and fighting off baddies with my familiar electric pole. creepy huh? not yet. in my dream i went to the bathroom and when i went to wash my hands, six huge ticks and an egg sack came out of a hole in my right hand and i killed them with the garbage disposal. i know what you're thinking...what is a garbage disposal doing in the girl's bathroom? j/k..but seriously..i'm not on drugs and i didn't eat or drink anything weird. i just have weird dreams. no news on the stereo yet. *shakes angry fists* eh. you are released.
The Don
atleast that's what me and my friends call breasts. So flippin happy that Reagan has a new set up!! she is soooo amazing *_*. this girl is seriously my inspiration (good, bad, you be the judge ^_~). so i'm just chillin and relaxin, eat some apple-cinni oatmeal (hey..i'm po' otay), and reagan got a new set..so im checkin that out. Man and Peelander-Z has a show this march in Albany! all you guys need to check them out! these guys are freakin' amazing!! plus i was able to sleep in..till 10:25! i know, good day!! though i did have a weird dream that i was in an rpg game at a castle and fighting off baddies with my familiar electric pole. creepy huh? not yet. in my dream i went to the bathroom and when i went to wash my hands, six huge ticks and an egg sack came out of a hole in my right hand and i killed them with the garbage disposal. i know what you're thinking...what is a garbage disposal doing in the girl's bathroom? j/k..but seriously..i'm not on drugs and i didn't eat or drink anything weird. i just have weird dreams. no news on the stereo yet. *shakes angry fists* eh. you are released.
The Don
that does sound like an odd dream